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The SlideShow-PlugIn allows you to create slideshows easily.
There are many functions to create and modify a picture-list
which can be loaded and saved.
The slideshow is performed calling the external program
"Visage" by Magnus Holmgren. This nice program is used
because of it's capability of "loading while displaying".
Add add one or more images to the list
AddDir add the contents of a whole drawer to the list
From, To, Step picture-range
Remove remove the selected picture from the list
Remove Range remove all pictures inside the specified range from the list
Delete delete the selected picture
File file for loading/saving picture-lists
Save save the current picture-list to disk
Load load a previously saved picture-list
Clear clear the current picture-list
Show display the selected picture
Delay pause between two images during the slideshow
Go perform the slideshow
The only way to abort the slideshow is to abort the viewer
sequentially pressing the right mouse-button. The number of
required mouseclicks depends on the length of the image-paths
and the number of items in the picture-list.